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Chances are you’ve heard of CBD before. You probably know at least one person who has told you about the numerous benefits they got using CBD. Their enthusiasm may have got you interested in doing a little research yourself.  Well, fear not, we’ve got you covered.

While there may be a lot of potentially confusing terminology to decipher, luckily CBD is not difficult to understand! If you want to know what CBD is, how it works, what benefits it provides, and how it could potentially help you – you’ve come to the right place.

CBD Is the non-intoxicating component found in HEMP cannabis

While some people use cannabis to relax or bring their anxiety to a manageable level, it is hard to enjoy those potential benefits in a mind-altered state.

That’s where CBD products come in. It gives you the potential benefits of cannabis, without the intoxicating effect. That means you could take CBD and go about your day, functioning normally and feeling great.

CBD is just the scientific abbreviation for cannabidiol, the most abundant of the potentially beneficial cannabinoids found in cannabis.  While the extracted CBD can come in many forms, you’ll most likely see it in the form commonly referred to as CBD oil.

older couple on the beach

THE TWO Potential Sources OF CBD

It’s quite natural for people to be a little concerned when they learn that CBD is extracted from cannabis.  Due to pop-culture, cannabis is often thought of as a plant that will alter your mind-state, get you high, and perhaps make you fall asleep!  Because of this, we tend to think there’s only one cannabis plant, marijuana.

However, that’s not true! Over the years, we seem to have forgotten about the other cannabis plant, hemp – and the difference between marijuana and hemp is quite substantial.


While the oil extracted from marijuana contains significant amounts of CBD, marijuana contains high levels of THC.  It’s the THC content that causes the type of mind-altering intoxication marijuana and ‘weed’ are known for.

On the other hand, the CBD extracted from industrial hemp contains only trace amounts of THC, not enough to cause the intoxication effect!  It’s the THC content that differentiates the two plants. In fact, to be classified as hemp, the plant must contain less than 0.3% THC, not enough to cause the intoxication effect. Compare that to the 5-30% THC found in marijuana, and it’s easy to see why marijuana is classified as a schedule 1 drug, while hemp oil use is not restricted.

In fact, CBD is so versatile it even comes in delicious gummy bear form!

man breaking stalk of cbd plant


Most of the CBD products available to the public are derived from industrial hemp.  When you buy CBD products that are made from hemp, you have access to all the health and wellness potential of cannabis, without the risk of getting ‘high’ or feeling intoxicated from the THC.


While both TCH and CBD are cannabinoids and their chemical composition is the same, their structure is very different.  And because the structure is different, the two don’t have the same effect on your body.  You can’t get high from CBD because it doesn’t attach to your receptors that cause intoxication, while THC does.


While CBD doesn’t cause the intoxicating effect of THC, it also serves another purpose! It may be reassuring to know that CBD actually interferes with THC’s binding ability, which drastically reduces THC’s mind-altering effect.  While the research is not yet complete, CBD is not shown to cause any significant side effects, it has no risk or overdose, or even dependency!


THC causes intoxication because of the way it interacts with a certain receptor in your brain and spinal column.  Not only will this cause the user to get the high that marijuana is known for, but research has shown that THC could have significant side effects.  THC can cause anxiety, increase heart rate, impair motor function, and even impair your memory.

CBD Supports Essential functions in your body

Now that you know how CBD is derived and that it doesn’t have a intoxicating effect, it might be helpful to know how CBD works with and within your body.  The potential benefits are numerous!

INTERACTING With Your Communication Network

It’s truly fascinating how CBD works! A short time ago, researchers identified a previously undiscovered system of messengers and receptors that regulate many essential functions in your body.

They named the newly discovered communication network the endocannabinoid system, after cannabis plants helped them make the discovery.

The messengers of this newly discovered regulatory system are called endocannabinoids, which simply means that the cannabinoids are naturally made within your body.  These naturally made cannabinoids function as neurotransmitters by interacting with the endocannabinoid receptors in your body to initiate a response.

Just a few of the numerous functions the newly discovered endocannabinoid system helps regulate include:

Sleep, appetite, motor control, pain, inflammation, immune function, memory, nausea, mood, pleasure and more!

chemical drawing

CBD Supports Your Endocannacinoid SYSTEM

While your body makes these cannabinoids naturally, they are unfortunately quickly broken down by enzymes.


Any number of factors including illness, stress, or injury can create situations where your endocannabinoid supply does not keep up with demand. This imbalance could potentially cause the communication network to break down.


That’s where CBD may be able to help!  During their research and investigation, scientists discovered that our bodies are wired to respond to plant-based cannabinoids as well, particularly CBD.  Their research found that cannabidiol mimics the effects of the messengers and influences the receptors of your endocannabinoid system.


Through its interaction with your system, CBD can potentially have significant health and wellness implications in multiple areas, especially in the areas that your endocannabinoid system is actively regulating such as stress, appetite, and memory.


Maybe it’s time to discover what CBD could do for you!

endocannabinoid system drawing

Time To Begin Your CBD Journey

Just like millions of people around the world have started their CBD journey, it’s time for you to do the same!  You really have nothing to lose and so much to gain.  At Charlotte CBD we’ve made it easy to take a dip into CBD to see if it’s right for you.  Whether it’s our free CBD samplers, our unparalleled collection of hemp-derived CBD oil, or our unmatched customer service, we’re here for you whenever you want to start your journey.

Legal Disclaimer

*Charlotte CBD (also known as CLT CBD) shall not be held liable for the medical claims made by customer testimonials or third party experiments and research. The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products, research, and testimonials made have not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All information presented here is not meant as a substitute for or an alternative to information from health care practitioners. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act requires this notice. Charlotte CBD does not make any health claims about our products and recommends consulting with a qualified medical doctor or physician prior to consuming our products or preparing a treatment plan. You must be 18 years or older to visit this website and/or purchase our products. The information on our website is intended to provide general information regarding our products and is not to be construed as medical advice. Information about the potential benefits of CBD was taken from these studies:


In accordance with US Federal Law 7 U.S.C § 1639o all cannabis products sold and marketed by Charlotte CBD contain no more than 0.3% THC by dry weight. 

Crowntown Cannabis Charlotte

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