d8 cbd tinctures and gummies graphic

What You Should Know About Delta 8 THC

If you haven’t heard all the hype, many consumers are seeking out Delta 8 THC, which seems to be the top sought after compound found in the cannabis market right now. Seriously, we’re having a hard time keeping it in stock!

So, what is this new compound and why should you try it? One of the four most common cannabinoids in the cannabis plant, D8 is similar to its psychoactive relative Delta-9 THC, but with several key differences.

What’s the difference in Delta 8 vs Delta 9?

It’s the molecules. Delta 8 is an isomer of Delta 9. An isomer is two or more compounds with the same formula but a different arrangement of atoms. D8 is very similar to D9 (the illegal cannabinoid), with only one atom difference in its chemical makeup.

The biggest difference between the two compounds? Legality.

Is Delta 8 legal? 

Yes! As of this writing, Delta 8 THC is legal in all 50 states. However, this could change at any time in any state. Please pay attention to all local, state, federal laws for any changes to current policy. 

Can Delta 8 cause me to fail a drug test?

Unfortunately, because Delta 8 produces the same metabolites in the body as it’s cousin, Delta 9, D8 can cause you to fail a drug test, even though the result will show up as a false positive for Delta 9. For this reason, we encourage all of our customers purchasing these products to use them responsibly. Any compound extracted from the cannabis plant, if not properly isolated, can cause problems with drug testing. 

If you want to be 100% sure you don’t fail a drug test, your best bet is to stick to only isolates, or refrain from using cannabis products all together. 

How Does Delta 8 THC make you feel?

A lot of people have asked, “Can delta 8 thc get you high?” Maybe. You will not experience the same “high” effect as Delta 9 THC, however, many people report experiencing psychoactive effects and other potential medicinal benefits. 

Like CBD, CBG, CBN and many of the other 120+ cannabinoids in cannabis, Delta 8 THC has been reported to provide relief from anxiety, pain, and insomnia. Everyone is different, and results will vary from person to person. 

There have been reports of Delta 8’s unique effects such as it is an actual appetite stimulant (even more so that those who receive an appetite increase from CBD). There are a lot of patients who have nausea, or just don’t have an appetite at all because of medication. D8 has been reported to help in BOTH of these situations. And it doesn’t just come as a vape, you can take it as an oil, or even an edible.

D8 has also been reported to be beneficial while having intercourse. Whatever sexual problem you may suffer from, (poor libido, pharmaceutical medication, etc), D8 might be what you need. Delta 8 can produce a feeling of homeostasis, stress relief, and focus – leaving some consumers happy, calm, and even LOVING! 

That being said, it’s worth repeating that results will vary per user. This is not medical advice is therefore is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any symptoms. For concerns or information on potential side effects, please consult a licensed medical provider. 

Where is Delta 8 available? 

Want to try Delta 8? We can ship it to you, or if you’re in Charlotte, NC or Columbia, SC, Delta 8 is already available nearby in our stores. 

See our Delta 8 Products Here

We don’t know HOW LONG this will last. It seems if it has anything to do with cannabis, it will be criminalized not long after scientists discover it’s unique benefits. So we recommend stocking up now, while you still can. 

What kinds of products are available?

We personally prefer to vape with a Delta 8 cart. However, we also carry delta 8 gummies, edibles, flower, tinctures, and wax. Have a special request? Feel free to ask, we have access to thousands of products!

Can I buy Delta 8 wholesale?

Yes. If you have a business or would like to buy in bulk, get in touch with us here and ask to speak to a manager about The Plug Distribution.

Anything else I should know?

Keep in mind, Delta 8 is still relatively new to the cannabis world. We are constantly doing research to give you more information on these wonderful cannabinoids!

Everyday that goes by, we are finding more results for relief on the compounds in cannabis. Please feel free to email me at Madison@cltcbd.com to talk about your personal experience, and I’ll give you a 15% off code!!

Crowntown Cannabis Charlotte

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  • (704) 457-4007

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    Suite 200
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  • Fri & Sat: 10AM – 10PM
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    Denver, NC 28037
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