cbd oil in little bottles with seeds and plant

Why People are Starting to Take CBD for ADHD

Recent research has been conducted to determine if CBD products can actually help those who have been diagnosed with ADHD. Initially, it was hypothesized that because cannabis and ADHD are both associated with impaired attention, inhibition and functioning that one would just make the other worse. However, there have been recent studies that indicate the opposite. Here are why people are starting to take CBD for ADHD:

They are Able to Focus


Possibly the biggest side effect of ADHD is the inability to focus for long periods of time. The inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsiveness that is associated with ADHD can make it very hard on individuals to quiet their mind and focus on the tasks in front of them. When you use CBD, the compounds of the product react with receptors in your body to fight against that hyperactivity. Many CBD users report feeling more stable and focused, and that’s one of the reasons individuals have turned to CBD for ADHD reasons. 

CBD Combats ADHD Symptoms

The symptoms of ADHD can create daily struggles for those who suffer with this condition. In addition to hyperactivity and lack of concentration, there are various other conditions that go hand-in-hand with ADHD. Many individuals with ADHD also struggle with anxiety disorders, depression, sleep issues, epilepsy and more. Conveniently, CBD products have been known to combat all of these related symptoms. Cannabinoid receptors type 1 (CB1) and type 2 (CB2) have a direct effect on specific parts of your body, including the brain. This way, they can fight against parts of the brain that create anxiety or epileptic episodes. 

You Can Consult Your Doctor


Both full and broad-spectrum CBD is totally different legal and is considered safe to use. If you think that these products could help your ADHD you can always consult your doctor about adding CBD products into your routine. If you’re currently taking other medications for your ADHD, it is important to consult with your doctor before starting CBD to make sure both products are compatible. Once you determine if your medications will work with CBD, you can begin looking for the type of product that best fits your needs. 

Products We Recommend

If you’re new to the CBD world, we have a few products we can suggest for different ADHD symptoms. Typically, we see a lot of customers use our CBD oils for issues like anxiety, but we offer various products depending on your preferences. If you’re struggling with insomnia or having trouble sleeping, we recommend the Apothecary Brothers Sleep Aid Capsules, with CBD and melatonin. Sana Botanicals also offers a broad-spectrum and THC free sublingual oil to help with concentration and stress.

Now that you know why more and more people are turning to CBD for ADHD, you can determine if you think this is a good next step for you. Do you have questions or concerns regarding how our CBD products can help you? Contact us today and let one of our knowledgeable team members help you.

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  • Monday – Saturday: 10AM – 7PM
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